Sunday, January 20, 2008

What Exactly Is Sparmenglish?

To be honest, Sparmenglish came about when I was communicating with my ninety-three year old grandfather. We can't really talk, the two of us, primarilly because my grandfather is almost deaf and if I did talk it would be more like shouting. But more importantly, we kind of have a language issue.

My grandfather can converse in three languages: Armenian, Romanian, and Spanish.

As a child, I spoke Armenian with him, but as I became older, my Armenian worsened.

His English is very limited (thank you very much, organic, and GOOD MORNING!).

And my Spanish is improving day-by-day.

So in order to solve that problem we have been communicating in our own way: Sparmenglish.

Spanish + Armenian + English = Sparmenglish


Flora Tash said...

Love the photo!

Mindy said...

you are holding your grandpa like
"this is my grandpa!!!!"
your smile is really cute too :-)
i don't have any cute photo with my grandfather.. i should take some when i go back this summer-