Today I realized that I spend too much time on Facebook. It's ridiculous. And I'm not even being productive. Just looking at other people's status and their profile. I could be doing more productive things with my time. That's why I have decided to take a little break from Facebook. Starting tomorrow morning I will not be checking Facebook for several days. At least until the weekend is over. Instead of logging in, I have come up with a list of things to do instead:
- Work on this blog. (Duh!) This blog means a lot to me but I don't think I've accurately portrayed that.
- Read. I love to read. Right now I'm working on Fasting, Feasting by Anita Desai. I started reading this book back in May when Ago was in the hospital. It's taken me too long to finish it. Almost three months. That is so wrong for me. I've been known to finish books in one day. (Well...those are usually my legal thrillers, the John Grishams')
- Speaking of Grisham, I still need to read The Associate.
- Exercise. What more can I say? I don't need to list this--this needs to be done everyday.
- Cook. I should bring down my tagine and use it more often. Whenever I use it everything turns out delicious. And also try cooking the things I've always wanted to but never had the time and probably won't have the time too in the upcoming months. Like Lobster. I know, I know too ambitious for a novice.
- Watch TV? I question this one because lately I've noticed that I don't have the patience to watch television anymore. But if I'm being entertained or learning then that's productive.
- Art. Learn it/Create it. I have some nupastels that I've been itching to use. Along with a large sketch pad they're just sitting in my room in the package.
- Sleep. I learned last semester that naps are GOOD.
- Explore the ATX. I feel like there is so much more than what i already know. And I'm missing out on a lot of what it has to offer.
- Study/get ahead for next semester. Yeah right. Notice how this one is last.
We'll see how everything turns out. Ojalá that this all works out and my time is used in a more productive manner. I know---no----I am sure that it will be.
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