Tuesday, October 27, 2009

This past month.....

OMG. This past month has been so busy. Tests, papers, papers,papers, reading, social life, papers, reading, and did I mention papers? It seems that as soon as one ends another one begins...or maybe that's me. I always procrastinate on my papers and end up working on them/writing them the night before they are due. Four pages in four hours? I think so! But, I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT! I'm getting to old to pull that kind of stuff....like right now... damn, I should be writing on my paper, not this blog. One of these days I'm going to get down to the psychological aspect of why I procrastinate so much and wait to the last minute. Laziness is definitely a key factor but I'm going to go the path of self-diagnosis!

Anyways, I'm getting besides the point here. This is the reason that I'm blogging: for the past month I've been so busy that I "kind of" forgot that Ago had died. Now, "'kind of' forgot" is not the best terms to put it in. The mourning process is not yet over, but reality is setting in, I'm coming to terms with the fact that he is no longer with me. Yes, I had a little bit of a spout (actually it was more a tantrum-I'll cover that later [fml. procrastination anyone!]) in the beginning of October, but other than that it seems that I am slowly but surely moving on. What I wanted to do was stop time and take a moment to look back on everything. Unfortunately, I do not have that super power (although stopping time is that super power I wish I had; I fantasize about stopping time, I would use it to catch up on my sleep) but I have taken time to look back on everything, and while I do miss him, I know that he is not going to be back and that yes...life goes on.

But I am getting ahead of myself here. I have not been faced with significant moments in our lives yet. I have yet to come upon his birthday (he would of been 95), Thanksgiving, or Christmas. For these I will be remembering my memories of last years holidays.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Do i have to change my banner now?

What is Sparmenglish going to come to? It certainly not over; it's just beginning. I have plans for this blog, for this concept. But now, with the death of Ago I find that "speaking Sparmenglish" is now defunct. Really who is there for me to communicate this way with?

But I have found that Sparmenglish is more than the language/way I used to communicate with my grandparents. It also, somehow wrapped into my own identity. And that is something that I need to figure out: how each of them: My Armenian heritage, Argentine influence, and American nationality influence who I am.

Or...i can just say F@#$ this y'all. I'm Texan.

What will I say? How will I say it? (plain English or some Sparmenglish words thrown in?) Well, that's what this blog is for.